Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016

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Who receives an advantage in gerrymandering?  ________________ receive an advantage in gerrymandering.

How have Republicans gained an advantage in recent elections?  Republicans have gained an advantage by __________________.

How is geography involved in gerrymandering?  Geography is involved in gerrymandering because _____________________.


Okay!  Working with a partner, go to and predict who will win the Presidential election next month.  Use the other resources on that site and and the Washington Post article and other resources you can find to make your prediction.  What factors (geographic) are the most important to consider in your decisions?  Don't forget the questions from yesterday.  Make sure you share your predictions with me and Ms. Ingram.  We will compare your thoughts with the actual election next month.

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Go to Schoology and fill out the question explaining the decisions you made in developing your Electoral Map.  

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