Thursday, October 27, 2016

Friday - October 28, 2016


Name the 3 most interesting places.

The 3 most interesting places are _____________, _______________, and ________________.

Why do you think they were named that?

I think ____________was named ______________because ________________.

Image result for toponym          WHAT IS TOPONYM?

Image result for partners PARTNER TIME ON TOPONYM ACTIVITY

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How did Basalt get it's name?

Basalt is named after ______________.

What is another name we could name our town?

Basalt could be named ____________because _______________.

Thursday - October 27, 2016

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What's your favorite ice cream?  

What does this video show us about cultures around the world?  

Did this activity help you understand other peoples thoughts on culture?

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GALLERY WALK:  Look through the posters around the room and at your desks.  Fill in the chart looking at various factors regarding Cultures.

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Answer your paragraph at the bottom of the Chart.  What do these pictures tell us about Culture around the world?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tuesday - October 25, 2016


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Monday - October 24, 2016

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What is a natural resource?  A natural resource _______________.

What is the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?  The IMF is _______________________.

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The European Union:  Do the Benefits of Membership Outweigh the Costs?  Written Response.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

OCT. 20, 2016

BREXIT:  Huh, What!?  

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Read through this article and answer the following questions.

1.  What is BREXIT?  BREXIT is __________________.

2.  Has any other country left the European Union before?  _____.

3.  What were the reasons for Britain to leave the EU?  The reasons to leave were ___________________________________.

4.  What is considered the EU's greatest achievement?  Why?  The greatest achievement of the EU is considered _______________ because ___________________.

5.  What is one other thing you found interesting about BREXIT?  I found it interesting that _________________________.

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Finish your thoughts in your original group and prepare to share what you found with the other groups.  Take notes on what the other packets are about.

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EXIT REPORT:  On the back of your packet or on a blank piece of paper, answer the question:  The European Union: Do the Benefits of Membership Outweigh the Costs?  This should be a minimum 5 sentence paragraph.  Give one introductory sentence showing your thesis or belief, three sentences with evidence to support you position and then a concluding sentence summing up your thoughts.  You will then hand this in with your entire packet of work!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

OCT. 19, 2016

How does the EU operate?

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What does the European Commission do?  The European Commission does ___________________.

What is the European Parliament?  The European Parliament is___.

What is the Council of the European Union?  The Council of the EU is _______________.

What does the European Court of Justice do?  The Court of Justice does _______________.

How complicated is the European Union?  How so?  The EU is complicated because ___________.

Monday, October 17, 2016

OCT. 18, 2016

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Quick European Geography Game.  Tables compete!  Get to the map first and win a point!

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Step 1.  Work at your table to define the vocabulary term given to you.  Figure out how to act it out for your peers.  Write your new definitions in your books.  Supranatural Organization, Common Market, Sovereignty, Heavy Industry, Consumer Goods, Legislative Bodies

Step 2.  Read and Annotate the article.  Answer questions on additional sheet.

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Summarize the article in 2 or 3 sentences describing time, place, and story.  The article is about ____________________________.

OCTOBER 17, 2016

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How are the kids in the playground like the countries in the Middle East?  The kids in the playground are like __________, ______________ and _________________.

Do you see any similarities between other political examples and a playground?  I see similarities _____________ because _______.

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Data Based Question:     Are the benefits of being an European Union (EU) member worth the costs?

Pair Up, Get Hooked, Let's Discuss

Table Vocab- Let's Do Some Acting

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What are some reasons for joining a multinational union?  It is worth joining this union because _________.

What are some reasons for not joining a multinational union?  Some reasons for not joining this union are ___________.

Would your perspective change if you lived in a different country?  Why or why not?  My perspective ___________ change because ________________.

Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016

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Who receives an advantage in gerrymandering?  ________________ receive an advantage in gerrymandering.

How have Republicans gained an advantage in recent elections?  Republicans have gained an advantage by __________________.

How is geography involved in gerrymandering?  Geography is involved in gerrymandering because _____________________.


Okay!  Working with a partner, go to and predict who will win the Presidential election next month.  Use the other resources on that site and and the Washington Post article and other resources you can find to make your prediction.  What factors (geographic) are the most important to consider in your decisions?  Don't forget the questions from yesterday.  Make sure you share your predictions with me and Ms. Ingram.  We will compare your thoughts with the actual election next month.

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Go to Schoology and fill out the question explaining the decisions you made in developing your Electoral Map.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

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What is Gerrymandering?

Define Gerrymandering?  Gerrymandering is ________________________.

What does the census do?  The census _______________________.

What three solutions that might prevent gerrymandering?  Three solutions are _______________, ____________ and _____________________.

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Quick Activity:  Does our group vote match the popular vote.  Let's find out!

Electoral College Discussion:  Work with a Partner to investigate the upcoming election.

EQ:  How does geography play a role in the American election in 2016?

Questions to Keep in Mind:
  • What historical trends do you notice happening in the Presidential Election?
  • How often has Colorado changed over the past 50 years?
  • What change happened in the South in the 1960's to change it from blue to red?
  • Why were the maps mostly one color in 1936 and 1972?
  • What map is using to show the Electoral College votes?
  • What do polls show us about geography?
  • What happens when you change the data your forecast uses (just women, Latinos, College Educated...)?
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Why is it important to change the political boundaries every 10 years?  It is important to change the boundaries every 10 years because ___________________________.

October 12, 2016

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After you are done, it is time to start investigating your country.  If you do not remember which country you are going to study go here (if you did not pick a country this is your last chance or we will do it for you).  Today, you are going to research the political geography of your country.  Write the answers to these questions either in your journal or start a Google Doc to collect the information. 

1.  What is the political system in your country?
2.  Who is the leader of the country?  
3.  How long have they been in charge?
4.  Does your country have a Constitution?  If so, when was it passed?
5.  What boundaries does your country maintain?
6.  What have been boundary disputes today or in the past (if any)?
7.  What treaties, partners, alliances does your country have in place?
8.  Other political factors you can find (Capital City, flags, ...)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11, 2016

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What does it mean when the water is on both sides of the border?  Work at your table to work through the article from High Country News.

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Quiz Tomorrow!  What are boundaries?  How are they defined?  What disputes can there be?  Who maintains and controls borders?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Political Geography Vocabulary

Monday, October 10th

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Finish Presentations

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"SSSSShhhh, Be Very, Very Quiet"  Work with your groups to view the pictures and define the vocabulary words.  Fill out your graphic organizer!

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Exit Ticket:  In your journals, write a paragraph describing your process in making the Africa Maps.  Was this an easy thing to do?  Why or why not?  Was it easy making decisions as a group?  How did you decide which information was the most important?  Were you happy with how your map turned out?  This should be at least five sentences long.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday - October 6, 2016
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How Many Countries Are There?

What are the "places" they talk about in the video?  The "places" are ______________________.

Who has veto power in the United Nations?  _________, _______, ________, ________ and ________ have veto power.

How would you define autonomous?  Autonomous is ________.

What is the difference between the UN and the Olympics (in regard to recognizing countries)?  The difference between them is ____.

What makes a country a country?  Why?  What make a country a country is _______________ because ___________.

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AFRICA PROJECT!!!  The final project is due tomorrow!  This includes the map, your written summary and your presentation.  All items should be shared with Vozick and Ingram.  If you do not finish in class you will need to finish somewhere else by tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday - October 5, 2015
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How do large storms impact geography?  Large storms impact geography by ________________________.

What of the 5 themes can you see in the story about Matthew?  The 5 themes I see are _________________________.

What are the political factors that have or may arise from Hurricane Matthew?  The political factors are __________________.

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Group Time:  Some other questions to consider:

How do the 5 Themes of Geography play a role in your decisions?  Which themes are you including?

Are there any disease outbreaks or health concerns that would be best to keep together?

Were there any old wars/battles that were caused by how the map was put together?

Check in on time- where are you in the project, do you need to do anything at home!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Tuesday - October 4, 2016
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What was one border that showed cooperation?  How so?   One border showing cooperation was ______________ because _____________.

What was one border showing conflict?  Why?  One border with conflict was ______________ because ______________.

What was a surprising border to look at?  Why?  A surprising border was __________________ because ______________.

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Don't forget the 3 D's: Define the borders, delimit the borders and demarcate the borders.  

Who is going to administer your borders? 

What are the primary natural resources to be found in Africa?  Where are they located?

What physical features might impact your decisions?

What cultural regions are important to maintain?

Are any decisions from the Berlin Conference worth maintaining? 

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On a post-it, write any questions about project?

My question is _______________________.

Also tell us how your group is working together. Explain.

My group is doing ____________because ______________.

Monday - October 3, 2016

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What is this cartoon telling us about political geography?  This cartoon is telling us _________.

Where are the geographic locations or cultural groups referenced in the cartoons?  1780 ________; 1850 _________; 1920 _________________; Now ______________.

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Re-Mapping Africa:  Creating non-Colonial Boundaries

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What was one thing you were surprised to learn about how Africa was divided by European countries?  I was surprised to learn ______________________________.

What are the one or two factors you are most likely to include in your new map of Africa? Why?  We are likely to include _________________ because ______________________.