Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Warm Up

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"Never Trust a Map"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUF_Ckv8HbE&app=desktop

Why are all maps distorted?  All maps are distorted because _____________________.

Which change in scale were you most surprised by?  I was most surprised by _______________.

Name at least two places Africa is larger than?  Africa is larger than ________ and _________.

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Class Activity: The Five Themes of Geography PPT and Worksheet

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End of Class Activity:  Word Web- Choose Two of our Vocabulary Terms and fill out the Word Web.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Tuesday August 29, 2016

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Warm Up:

Let's have some fun!  Grab your computer and go to http://www.boredpanda.com/fun-maps-they-didnt-teach-you-in-school/, explore for a few minutes.

What was your favorite map and why?  My favorite map was _________ because _________________.

Which map is an example of a Cartogram?  What is it showing us?  The _________ map is a Cartogram.  It is showing us __________.

What type of map do you think the majority of the maps shown are?  Why do you think that?  I think the majority are _______ maps because _______________.

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Class Activity:  Vocabulary Definitions, In your teams, rotate between stations and write what you see in the pictures.  Listen for clear directions.

everybody-is-a-genius-exit-tickets-zWI1s3-clipart.jpg (1000×848)   End of Class:  Word Webs: Choose two of the vocabulary terms and fill out before you go.
Monday - August 28, 2016

Sir Maps a Lot

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What does this video show us about mapmaking?  This video shows us ___________________.

What themes (Agriculture, Politics, Urbanism, etc) that we are going to cover does this video refer to?  This video refers to ____________________________.

How often do you pull out your phone and feel like this in your classes?  Is it appropriate behavior?  I _______ this in my classes ____________ and it is _________________.

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Moving Beyond the Orange: What is in a map?  Map Packet.  Working with a partner, get into our textbooks and fill in your worksheets.

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End of Class

Were you able to finish the worksheets?  Why or why not?  I _______ able to finish because _________.

Which maps look the most interesting to you? Why?  I thought the ____________ map was most interesting because ______________________.

What is one thing about maps you learned today?  I learned ____________________.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Friday - August 26, 2016



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Fastest Time Wins

Was this activity difficult for you?  Why or why not?  This activity was _________ because _______.

Let's bookmark!  Find our blog page (vozickingram.blogspot.com) and our Schoology Page and make sure you have them bookmarked on your computers.

Orange Maps  orangepeels-e1453142588197.png (600×450)

End of Class:

What was the most difficult part of this exercise?  Why?  The most difficult part was _______ because ____________________.

What are the differences you see between the globe (orange as a whole) and the new map (peeled orange)?  The differences I see are _______________________________.

Do the peelings capture the full picture presented by the globe?  Why or why not?  The peelings _______ capture because ____________________.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Thursday - August 25, 2016

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MAKE A NAMETAG!Image result for cardstock name tags that fold on desk

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Class Activity:  Oh Boy our 1st PowerPoint Presentation.  Sit back, relax & PAY ATTENTION!  See how many mistakes you can spot.

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End of Class Activity

What three maps did you find most interesting and why?  I thought the _______, ________ and _______ maps were the most interesting because ____________________.

What is a geographic fact you learned today?  Today, I learned ____________________.

Why do geographers use a variety of maps to represent the world?  Geographers use a variety of maps because ______________________________________.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Welcome to the 2016/2017 School Year!!!  We are hear to entertain you, educate you and warp your minds (just kidding, sort of).

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Warm Up "This or That"  Game:  Get Up, Stand Up
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Class Body   Intro to Vozick and Ingram, Syllabus,

Due Monday! 


The daily routine will be fairly similar each day. This will help make transitions smooth. The structure of each 60-minute class will be as follows:

  1. 10-Minute Warm Up: Students will be expected to be ready to begin class on time. As soon as you walk in there will be a 10-minute warm up. 
  2. 15-Minute Mini-Lesson: The teachers will introduce the material as well as the instructions for individual or group work. 
  3. 20 Minutes of Independent or GroupWork: During this period, students are expected to work individually or in groups on the assignment given to them. This may include reading, watching videos, or working a group project. This work will also include answering questions or problem-solving either independently or in groups. 
  4. 10-Minute Debrief: As a class, we will all re-group at this time to discuss the main points of the activity and to assess if we have met our learning targets for the day.
  5. 5-Minute Reflection: Though the activity may vary, the act of reflecting will always occur at the end of the class. Students may be asked to simply give a Fist-to-Five on their understanding of the material, answer questions in a Ticket-Out-the-Door. 

Timeline for the Year:

1st Semester

1. Geography and Human Geographyworld-maps-informational-7-580x320.jpg (580×320)

2. The Political Imprint     Electoral+College+Map+of+US.png (400×309)

3.  Cultural Geography
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4. Population Patterns and Processes
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2nd Semester

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5.  Agricultural Geography2-agricultural-geography.jpg (600×551)

6.  Urban Geography  BBWAG2005.JPG (350×234)

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7.  Economic Geography


End of Class (EOC)

Sticky note: What are one or two things you want to learn about Geography this year?  Why?  I want to learn about ________ and _______ because ________________.