Friday, January 27, 2017

Feb. 6, 2017
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Are Americans currently as mobile as in the past?  How so?

When are people more likely to move within the US?

What did you notice from the chart?  I noticed ________________.

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Work with a partner to answer the questions about population.  Staple your answer to the paper and hand in by the end of class...

Feb. 3, 2017

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On a blank piece of paper (or half a page), write a one sentence description of demographic momentum.   Will a population keep growing even if the birth rate goes down?  When you are done crumple up your paper and listen to the instructions.

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How do we model all these trends.  Here is a little more PowerPoint to help us see what is happening with out population.

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Why do we use models in Geography?  We use models _________.

What does DTM stand for?  DTM stands for ________________.

How many stages are part of the DTM?  Name at least one of them.

Feb. 1, 2017
Cartoon: African Population (large) by Damien Glez tagged population,africa

What does this cartoon show? 

 The cartoon shows _____________.

Why is the baby so big? 

What is the cartoon telling us about population?  

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Listen up Spiccoli!  Working at your tables answer the questions on the Population- Data and Trends worksheet.  Here is the website to use

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What surprised you in your research around the world?  I was surprised by ___________.

Do you agree that women hold the key to population issues?  Why or why not?

Do you think the population will double in your lifetime?  Why or why not?  

Jan. 31, 2017

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Stand up and let us know what you think.  Now, that we are 7 Billion strong what do you think about these issues.

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Yup, here is some more Population PowerPoint.

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What is one way that population impacts the geography of Basalt?

What is one fact about population you did not know about before today?
January 30, 2017
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What populations are being affected by President Trump's executive order?  Populations being affected include ___________.

What geographic reasons does Trump use in his order?

What are the protesters arguing against?

Which countries are specifically identified in this order?

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PowerPoint presentation on vocabulary and concepts for the Population Unit.  Take notes as we investigate the materials.  You can also find the PowerPoint on Schoology.

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What is one concept about population you fully understand?  I fully understand ___________.

What is one concept you are struggling to understand?  

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25, 2017

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Research Day on Your Countries focusing on Population.  

What is the Population of your country?
What is the birth rate?
What is the mortality rate?
What are its three biggest cities?
Is the population going up or down?  At what rate?
Is your country bigger or smaller than its neighbors?
Are people immigrating to your country?  Away from your country?
What is the average age of your country?  Is it the same for men and women?
Are there any major diseases affecting your country?  What are they?
What kind of CO2 emissions can be found in your country?  Are there other pollution factors?
What are other facts about your country's population?

If you have more time, go back to your past research and add additional information.  Look at the comments that have been given and either respond or modify what information you have.  Add pictures, maps, charts, images, etc.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 27, 2017

7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?

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What is a Drip into the Glass?
What is a Drip out of the Glass?
Where are most people found today?  Was it the same 1000 years ago?
When did we reach 1 Billion people on Planet Earth?
What happened to slow the leaks out of the glass?
How long did it take to go from 1 Billion people to 7 Billion?
What are the issues we face to see if we can survive have so many people?

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Vocabulary Posters.  Work with your peers to define the new vocabulary terms.
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Word Web:  Pick two words from our activity and fill out the word web.

January 26, 2017

Internet Exploration Day 
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Go to the map on the link above.  These maps are from the same article on the "Face of Humanity" we looked at the other day.  Use the Google Doc and Answer the following questions about the maps.  You need to share the Doc with Ingram and myself. You can work with a partner or two.

Page (Map) 1:

What are the differences in the colors of the map?  
Where are the most colors seen around the world?  Why is that?
Where are there areas with less colors?  Why do you think that is?
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Page 2 and 3 (Map):  Economics

What are the differences between the colors?
How much money does a person in the upper middle class make (on average)?
What is one trend you see on the Economic maps?
Where are high income countries mostly located? 
Where are low income countries mostly located? 
Are there any countries that economically seem out of place where they’re located?
Group the countries into a region based upon similar economic statuses.  Describe the regions you developed.  How many regions are there?  What is one country located in each region?
What statistics did you use in your region?  Why?
What are the main differences between the high income and low income regions?
Which country had the highest deaths under Age 5?  What was the amount?
Which country had the lowest life expectancy at birth?  What was it?
What is one other statistic about population you were surprised by?  Why?

January 24, 2017

What is the Makeup of this 7.3+ Billion?
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This represents the face of humanity.  

What country does the person's face look like?  Why?  It look like ___________ because _________.

What do you think are the top 3 nationalities by population?  ______________, _____________, and ________________.  Was your guess correct?  
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Lets discover what your Ecological Footprint is.  How many planets are needed to support your lifestyle?  Have you ever thought about your own impact on Planet Earth?  What surprised you about your responses and answers?  Do you think the country you are studying impacts the environment as much as the USA?  Why or why not?  

January 23, 2017

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What elements of geography do you see in the inauguration materials?  I see _____________.

What are two locations mentioned in the reports?  Two locations are _______ and ________.

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Population:  What do all these people mean for the places and locations we live?  On your computers, view the changes across Planet Earth.  Were you aware of these changes happening?  What changes surprised you the most?  What impact do you think these changes have on humans?  

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What does population mean to you?  Population means _________.

What is one thing you want to learn more about population?  One thing I want to learn is __________.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

 FRIDAY - JANUARY 13, 2017


Use a sticky to let us know how prepared you are for this final.

What can you do to help you do cartwheels next week?

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thursday - January 12, 2017


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Review Review Review

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wednesday - January 11, 2017

National College Football Playoffs

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President Obama
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5 Themes

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Do you have questions about the 5 themes?
