Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017

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What is the Big Mac Index?

What does the exchange rate try to do?

What is the difference between the US And China?

What other factors might change the Big Mac Index?
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Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

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What is outsourcing?  

Who does the Americans jobs?

Who does Homer confuse India with?

What does the show say about American workers?

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What does this chart show?

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Where is this happening?

What do the dots show?

Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017
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Which urban area has the largest percentage of GDP?

What is GDP?  What does it mean?

Which 5 States contribute over 40% of all US GDP?  

What is one thing that surprised you on the chart?  Why?

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Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017

How many people live in Mexico City?

How would you define urban sprawl?  How is it impacting Mexico City?

Was there good urban planning in the past?

What are the issues regarding infrastructure in Mexico City?

What solutions are people suggesting for Mexico City?

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Let's Explore Colorado's Urban Areas.  Compare the various cities and fill out your Hierarchy sheets.  What cities are more likely to have which activities and businesses.

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What does the size of an urban area have to do with the businesses found there?

Is Urban planning a good thing or a bad thing?  Why or why not?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017

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What do they mean by quality of life?

What regions of the world are represented the most in this list?  Why do you think that is?

Name one of the cities you would like to visit and why?

Which geographic categories/themes are used to define quality of life?

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New Urbanism: What is It?  Where did it come from?  How does it view the urban landscape?
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What caused the rise of suburbs?

How would you define "New Urbanism"?

What is a positive of "new urbanism"?

What is a negative of "new urbanism"?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3, 2017

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It's Time!  Design Your Own City and Share it with Us!  Go to  http://www.electrocity.co.nz/?id=0OiWpynj6ESzQ7*j0Sydyw , design your own city and submit your finished city to EV36703.

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What were the key factors you used in designing your city?

Why did you choose these?

Were you surprised by how your city turned out?  How so?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017

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Cities of the World Edition!  Let's figure out where we are!  Urbanscapes and US Cities and Towns.

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New Urbanism: What is It?  Where did it come from?  How does it view the urban landscape?

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What caused the rise of suburbs?

How would you define "New Urbanism"?

What is a positive of "new urbanism"?

What is a negative of "new urbanism"?

Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1, 2017

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What do these buildings show you about cities in general?

What are three similarities you see?  Where are these similarities located?  Does the location matter?

What are three differences you see?  Where are these differences located?  Does the location matter?

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What do we mean by urbanization?  What regions are the most urbanized?  Which cities are the largest?  Use the website above to fill out the worksheet.

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What is the largest city in the world?

What region has the most large cities?

What is one trend you noticed making the graph?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27, 2017

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What is real and what is fake?  Can you tell?

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What are two similarities you see between the various models?

What are two differences between the models?

How would you group these models together?

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What is the Difference between Urban, Suburban and Exurban?  How do they interact with each other?  Where does one end and the other begin?  Are they connected at all?  Work with a partner to fill out the worksheet and watch the videos.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 24, 2017
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Discuss, Analysis, and collaborate the cartoon on your table. Everyone fill in a graphic organizer as you brainstorm. Pick one person to vocally communicate your ideas.


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Pick 3 vocabulary words you know and define in your own words.

______________ means _____________________.

______________ means _____________________.

______________ means _____________________.

Pick one vocabulary word you are still having trouble with and write on a sticky. Stick on the door on your way out today.

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017

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Get on up and find groups of 3.  Listen to what we are going to do!

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What can sports teams tell us about Geography?  Fill out the Sports Teams packet to see how we are affected by our teams and our teams are affected by Geography.

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What situations have changed in America that are reflected in our Sports Teams?  

Is there a region and/or city that might be the next place for Sports teams to move to?  Why?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017

What country is this taking place?

What geographic themes do you see at play in this concept?

Why is space so important in urban areas?

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What is the term for the shape of cities?  Let's explore Site, Situation and other Urban Concepts?  What makes cities cities?

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What is the difference between a positive and negative city site?

In your opinion what makes a city a city?

What are the biggest cities in the country you are studying?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017

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Pick three of the cities and tell us one fact about it.

What is one theme connecting all the cities together?

What is one difference among all the cities?

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Cities, Cities, Cities.  Notice a Trend in the Graphic Above?  What are we going to be talking about?  Why are urban areas growing so big?  Let's explore in our PowerPoint.
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What is the difference between Site and Situation?  

What are the major city (ies) in your country?

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017
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How many grasshoppers have they sold?

What is the name of this snack in Mexico?

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Test Review.  We Have a Test Tomorrow, are you prepared?  What questions do you have?



Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017
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How much revenue does McDonald's make?

How many countries have McDonald's?

What percent of those restaurants are in the US?

What percent of the world population eats McDonald's in a day?

How many burgers per second are sold?

How many Fries are sold?

How many ingredients are in a McDonald's French Fry?

One other interesting fact you found 

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Country Research.  Take the time to investigate your country further about its agricultural uses.  

  • Is your country a net agriculture exporter or importer?
  • What are the major agricultural products?
  • Who does it trade with?
  • How much land do they use for agriculture?
  • Do they have food processing facilities?
  • Is there diet more traditional or modern?
  • Do they have access to modern agricultural processes?
  • What impact is agriculture having on their land?
  • Is their any undernourishment occuring?
  • Any other cool fact you can observe!!!
  • Images!